Swim With Swimkies

Swimkies provide swimming programmes suitable for all ages. Mainly focusing on kids programmes, baby and toddler programme revolves mainly around water safety and exploration, while the lesson plan for older kids focuses more on stroke corrections. With better coordination and muscular development, older kids will be able to perform more complicated drills which requires better fine motor movements.

In an ideal learn-to-swim environment, kids should not be placed together if the age difference is more than 2 years apart. Thus, Swimkies provide various time slots to cater to learners of different age groups and learning abilities at Queenstown and Bukit Batok swimming complex.

Swimkies! Singapore

Swimming started out as a hobby and pastime, which evolved into a passion and led me to coaching and starting Swimkies.

Shaped from early personal experiences, where learning was greatly aided by teachers who made it informal with doubts and fears dispelled, these have moulded our teaching ethos here at Swimkies where swimming instructions are made FUN and SIMPLE! From seeing my own share of close calls working as a lifeguard, I have understood first-hand the importance of proper swimming and safety techniques. Thus, we strive to develop swimmers who are confident, safe and comfortable being in and around water.

We believe that learning should start at a young age where first experiences leave big impressions on a child’s likes and dislikes. This is why we have made a conscious effort to learn from and partner industry leaders and specialise in infants aquatics and swimming lessons for toddlers.

It is my wish that all swimmers going through the Swimkies programme will learn to love and take as much out of the sport as I have!

Lesson Fees & Duration

Our swim lesson fees are priced in variance to the time duration and nature of the swim class types, with private individual lessons costing more than that of group classes.

Group classes start from as low as $17.50 student per lesson, while a smaller class of just 4 to 6 students  ranges between $20 to $35 per student per lesson. Lesson duration are 30mins per baby and toddler classes, while older kids and adult lessons are 45mins per lesson.

*Note that the per lesson cost serves only as a point of reference for ease of calculation, all fees are to be paid in advance ahead for the month or term, which is typically two months per term.


Queenstown Swimming Complex

473 Stirling Rd Singapore 148948

Bukit Batok Swimming Complex

2 Bukit Batok Street 22 Singapore 659581



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