Kids Swimming Lessons
Kids swimming lessons are for children aged from 5 years old and onwards. Swimming practice for this age group is primarily concerned with fundamentals of swim skills such as water familiarity and water confidence. It also focuses on areas such as breath exchange, body positioning and propulsion movements from the arms and legs. Swimming strokes are introduced, and with a target set on improving swimming increased distances while executing proper stroke techniques.
Suitable for children between 5 to 13 years old
Kids swimming lessons play an important role in the holistic development of children, whether is it for physical excercise or learning about water safety. Swimming is an activity which not only encourages kids to stay active, it also builds social interaction skills amongst kids in group classes. Swimming lessons is a recognised and highly regarded activity in Singapore. This sport has also been included aspart of the national curriculum. Ministry of Education has made it a compulsory program for every kid to exposed to swimming lessons by primary 3. Learning at a young age enables your child to develop advanced physical and cognitive abilities. In addition, it also pushes for muscular and mental growth. Moreover, being in an aquatic environment stimulates the brain to produce stress-reducing hormones known as endorphins. This improves the child’s mood and reduce anxiety.
Types of Kids Swimming Lessons
Kids swimming lessons in Singapore are typically categorised into private classes and group classes. They are often conducted in a public swimming complex, a purpose-built pool facility or a residential private pool. Lesson duration ranges from 45 to 60 minutes depending on the group size of the class. Private swimming lessons and smaller group classes are usually 45 minutes long regardless of lesson location. A typical group class of 8 to 10 students are usually 60 minutes long.

Private Classes

Group Classes
Benefits Of Starting Your Child Early For Swimming Lessons
1. Building positive confidence in and out of the pool
2. Improved mental development for young children
3. Physical activity with a wonderful and positive difference
4. Improved social skills
5. Reduce stress for a better lifestyle
SwimSafer 2.0 Programme For Children
As kids grow up, they will become more active and curious to try new things. Being able to play in the pool or by the beach will be one of the activities they look forward to. Thus, equipping them with essential water-safety knowledge and critical water-survival skills is key.
In fact, with the inclusion of swimming into the national education curriculum, children swimming lessons considered an essential life skill. Here at Aquatics In Motion, we inculcate the SwimSafer syllabus into our kids learn-to-swim-programme. The SwimSafer progressions are typically categorised into 6 varying levels, with each level representing different stages of the syllabus. The levels are basically grouped into Beginner (Stage 1), Intermediate (Stage 2 & 3), Advanced (Bronze, Silver & Gold).

SwimSafer Stage 1

SwimSafer Stage 2

SwimSafer Stage 3

SwimSafer Bronze

SwimSafer Silver

SwimSafer Gold
Moving On To Greater Things
So what’s after SwimSafer Gold? For most parents, it’s either furthuring their child’s water safety knowledge by attending a Lifesaving Course, or pursuing high performance in Competitive Swimming.
For lifesaving course, attending lifesaving 1, lifesaving 2 and lifesaving 3 are the pre-requisite courses before one is able to attend the bronze medallion or pool lifeguard course.
For competitive swimming, a good starting point for aspiring kids will be to take part in the Singapore Swimming Proficiency Awards (SSPA). This programme is launched to promote swimming proficiency and provide progression for furthur advancement in swimming after SwimSafer. This helps provide a big enough talent pool for the next generation of potential Singapore competitive swimmers.

Lifesaving Course